Selected talks
- Status of FCC-hh collimation studies, FCC week 2018, Amsterdam, 10/4/2018
- Machine Configuration Options, LHC Performance workshop, Chamonix, 29/1/2018
LHC machine status report, 132nd LHCC Meeting, CERN, 30/11/2017
- Collimation performance and protection, 7th HL-LHC collaboration meeting, Madrid,
- Is collimation still a limitation for HL-LHC?, LHC Performance workshop, Chamonix,
- LHC β*-reach in 2017, 7th Evian workshop, Evian, 15/12/2016
- Accelerator scenarios for background and failures, ECFA High-luminosity LHC Experiments
workshop, Aix-Les-Bains, 3/10/2016
- LHC Run 2: Results and Challenges, 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on
High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Malmö, 4/7/2016
- LHC machine configuration in the 2016 proton run, LHC Performance workshop,
Chamonix, 27/1/2016
- Plans for deployment of hollow electron lenses at the Large Hadron Collider for enhanced
beam collimation, 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’15), Richmond,
- Baseline LHC Machine Parameters and Configuration for 2015, LHC Performance
workshop, Chamonix, 23/9/2014
- LHC collimation and β*-reach, 5th Evian Workshop, Evian, 2/6/2014
- Low β* and collimation, LHC machine advisory committee, CERN, 16/8/2012
- Baseline LHC machine parameters and configuration of the 2015 proton run
Talk given in the LHC Performance Workshop (Chamonix 2014)
- Collimator settings and performance in 2011 and 2012
Talk given in the Chamonix
2012 LHC Performance Workshop (2012)
- Beam
loss mechanisms in relativistiv heavy-ion colliders
Award recipient talk in the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference
(PAC'11), New York, 2011
- Measurements
heavy ion beam losses from collimation.
Talk given in the 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa,
2008, and
expanded presentation given in the CERN Accelerator Performance